Thursday, May 8, 2014


We had a great Easter celebration this year. On Saturday we headed to Laurens to have lunch with my side of the family. It was a very nice day spending time with everyone. We had a nice lunch, and then the weather was great so Brandon and Mason went out to the shooting range while my sister and I went for a run. While Brayden was napping, my sister, my dad, and I took Brody up to the school playground to mess around.

On Sunday, we hosted Brandon's family at our house. Again the weather was great, so we spent most of the time outside enjoying the sunshine. We started off by taking a nice walk on the local trial and then we spent the afternoon we at the park messing around.

Brayden getting the first stab at the cake :)

A little selfie on the ride home

Brayden testing out his new jammies from Nana and Joe Joe

The Easter Bunny dropped off some Play-Doh--Brayden's favorite!

Kayson taking Brayden for a spin
Brody taking Kayson for a spin

Kaleb's turn to take Bradyen around


The ballers

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