Monday, January 27, 2014

Warning: Hurricane!

These two boys just love their bath time, and they love to see how much water they can splash out of the tub!


Daddy and His Boys

Brandon is a fantastic dad, and I just love watching these three interact with each other. The boys love their dad so much!


Sunday, January 26, 2014

Weekly Meal Plan

Here are the meals I have planned for this week:

  • Monday- Brandon is in charge of supper since I'm working out with a friend right after work. I'm guessing he will make his specialty-- French toast, eggs, and bacon.
  • Tuesday- We are eating out with friends at the Manson Pizza Ranch!
  • Wednesday- Chicken, potatoes, and green beans
  • Thursday- Brandon is in charge of cooking for the boys- I work late
  • Friday- Out to eat again-- my mom and grandma are coming into town for the evening.
  • Saturday-
    • Lunch- at the basketball game- Brandon and I both have to work at Jam the Gym so lunch is at the basketball game
    • Supper- Pork chops, potatoes, and zucchini
  • Sunday-
    • Lunch- Sandwiches, chips, and fruit
    • Supper- Enchiladas with chips and salsa
Have a great week and stay warm!

Friday, January 24, 2014

Story Time

The other day while I was getting ready for work, I came across Brody reading a story to Brayden-- Just completely melted my heart!

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Kid Quotes

Brayden is in LOVE with ketchup right now, so anything that can be squirted out is referred to "depup" to him right now. He wants "depup" on everything and he gets so excited when he sees it!!

Brody's new phrase is, "that was amaaazzzing!" He likes to be thrown on the bed or the couch and his reaction afterwards is, "that was amaazzing!"

Silly boys! :)

Weekly Meal Plan

I'm a day behind, but here is this week's meal plan....

  • Monday- Apple Bourbon pork loin, potatoes, and cooked carrots
  • Tuesday- Chicken fried rice and egg rolls
  • Wednesday- Nachos
  • Thursday- Brandon's up for the night, I'm working
  • Friday- Eat out
  • Saturday- Lunch- Fish sticks, mixed veggies, and applesauce
Saturday and Sunday I'm still working on the menu for that. I need to go through my deep freeze and see what I have. I have been terrible about going out there since it has been soooo cold!!!

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Brody's Big Weekend

Last weekend Brody experienced a few new "firsts" in his life. He went to the dentist for the first time, and he also attended Sunday School for the first time. He did pretty good at the dentist. They counted his teeth, which he has 20, and then checked his teeth. They tried cleaning his teeth, but that was a no go.

As for Sunday school that did not go over well--- at all. There were lots of tears, so I stayed the whole time with him. We sang songs, did crafts, and read stories about the kings in the Bible.

These "firsts" were very bittersweet moments for me. I love watching him grow, but I just can't believe he is old enough to go to the dentist and Sunday School. Time just goes soooo fast!

His toy he got from the dentist....I can't help but laugh when I see him in these. What a goofball!
First day of Sunday School!

Brayden's New Ride

Brayden has a new ride!

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Keep Your Eye On The Ball

Daddy teaching Brody to play catch-- Brody loves watching the Sandlot, so he is always telling Brandon, "Keep your eye on the ball" However, I missed him saying that on this video--of course my battery died!

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Game Night

A few weeks ago we had game night at the Aden household along with the Reeve's. Brooke made an AWESOME supper, pork loin, cheesy green beans, cheesy potatoes, and Sam made delicious brownies with cookie dough on top. Everything tasted so good; as I type this I can picture everything on the counter and my mouth is watering!

Once we finished supper and got all 5 boys playing (soon will be six boys since Sam and Tanner will be welcoming another baby boy in May!) we let the battle of the games begin! We first kicked off the night with an intense game of Jenga. I haven't played this since I was little and I forgot how nerve wrecking it can be. Every time I went to go pull a piece out, I felt like my heart was going to thump right out of my chest! After two rounds of Jenga, we played "The Game of Things." This was mine and Brandon's first time playing this game, and I have never laughed so hard in my life! If you haven't played this game yet, I highly recommend it!

We had such a good time, so thank you Brooke and Mitch for having us over!

Check out our intense Jenga game! Brandon has a video, but there might be some language and talk on there that is not Blog appropriate. :)

Don't screw it up Brandon....

Tanner giving Brandon words of encouragement-- of course

Come on Brooke.....

Sam's turn....

Oooohhh careful Mitch

Brooke and her two lap buddies, Cole and Brayden :)

Sunday, January 12, 2014

New Year's Eve

Most years we spend the evening at home, but this year we were invited to the McClain's to ring in the new year. We went over to their house at about 6 pm-- we thought we should go pretty earlier because we weren't sure if Brandon and I were going to be able to stay up until mid-night. Sounds crazy, but with two little energetic boys to chase after we are lucky to stay up until 10. Surprisingly enough we both made until 1 am, but our three year old stayed up watching movies until 2:30 am! He is such a night owl.

Thank you to the McClain family for having us over, we had such much fun! Happy New Year to all!

Here is our family picture from 2012 New Year's Eve--Crazy to see how much the boys have grown and changed; just so hard to believe how fast time goes!

My selfies with boys!

Weekly Meal Plans

This week kicks of our spring semester at work, so it is a very busy week for me-- in other words, simple "cooking" this week.

  • Monday- Tacos with chips and salsa
  • Tuesday- Applebees takeout
  • Wednesday- Breakfast burritos with bacon and fruit
  • Thursday- Frozen pizza with a salad
  • Friday- Eat out
  • Saturday-
    • Lunch- Turkey wraps with chips and fruit
    • Supper- Pizza casserole with green beans
  • Sunday-
    • Lunch- Left overs
    • Supper- Chicken and noodles over mashed potatoes (I know it was on the list for this past week, but we ended up making a pork loin instead)

Friday, January 10, 2014

Weekly Kid Quotes #4

First of all, I apologize for not keeping up on this. I was working so hard at trying to get caught up on all of my holiday blogs. So hopefully getting back track---

Quote from Brody-- he was opening his giant Superman and says, while jumping up and down, "OH it's something I have wanted my whole life!!" Laugh out loud!!! What a character!

Quote from Brayden-- Brandon's dad "Get Go" makes chocolate chips cookies and recently he has bringing them over when he stays with us, so Brayden is always asking for "Get Go cookies peeaase!"

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Winter Break

One thing I love about working in education is our holiday breaks! I really enjoyed my time at home this year, and the boys and I had so much fun. Everyday we had some new fun activities on our agenda, and one of the great things about it was the weather was pretty decent as well to get outside!

Here are some of the activities that kept us busy---

Our sledding adventure out at Kennedy Park-- I forgot how much fun sledding is;
I felt like a kid again!! We will be doing this multiple times before the snow melts!

Brody's snow angel

My sweet pea

Trying out our new towels from the Taylors-- we LOVE them!!

Another great day to play in the snow!

Look, even Ironman came to see us over break :)

Ironman shoping at Kohls- Brody had to wear his costume to Wendy's and Kohls--goofball.

Piggy-back ride--YeeHaw!

Father-Son Workout

A few days ago, Brandon was doing pull-ups, and Brayden thought he should join him. Here is their little fitness session...


Sunday, January 5, 2014

Weekly Meal Plans #5

I apologize for not keeping up on this, but I vow to get back on track with  my weekly meal plans. I love planning out our meals a week in advance because it saves on our grocery bill, we don't eat out as much, and I know exactly what I'm going to make when I get off work so it mentally prepares me.

  • Monday- Pork chops and broccoli and cheese
  • Tuesday- Chicken, potatoes, and green beans with Italian seasoning
  • Wednesday- Homemade mac and cheese with hot dogs
  • Thursday- I work late so this one is up to Brandon
  • Friday- Left overs
  • Saturday-
    • Lunch- grilled cheese with oranges
    • Supper- Sloppy joe's and French fries
  • Sunday-
    • Left overs
    • Chicken and noodles of mashed potatoes

It's a Truck Load

The boys got extremely spoiled at Christmas, so the day after Christmas Brandon and I unloaded the truck, which was COMPLETELY full, and re-organized our toy room to fit all their new toys. So here are some picture of the boys enjoying their new toys, and Brandon putting some together.
The group of toys fresh off the tuck
Brayden enjoying his new magna-doodle while at Brody's new Thomas table

Brayden's new Little People Farm

Brody's Avenger collection is complete--we have been looking for a whole year to find you Thor!

Brody playing his new pinball machine

Daddy starting on the new train table the boys got

It's coming along....


Brandon is studying the directions hard....

Brody jumping because he is sooo excited!


Here is the new organized Toy Room.....

Brayden was asleep while we put the train set together,
so here is playing with it for the first time!